Welcome to Blue Giant Studios! We design meticulously detailed and imaginative collectible miniatures for hobbyists, collectors, and tabletop enthusiasts. Our passion is character design and telling a story with each miniature we make!

About Me.
My name is Dan Jack, and I have dedicated my life to the art world. This continued passion has guided my educational journey and shaped my professional career, providing me with a sense of satisfaction during my workdays whilst also fuelling my late-night brainstorming sessions.
I began my artistic journey focused on oil painting, pursuing formal education in Fine Art with a concentration in portraiture. Along the way, I discovered the importance of aligning my studies with my artistic vision. With the support of several mentors I was able to expand my skillset and find my path through the art world. To all of those mentors I am immensely grateful.
It was during my exploration of sculpting as a medium that my work steered towards the realm of fantasy, with portraits evolving into depictions of fauns and trolls. This for me, was a turning point back to what I loved as a kid, taking similar notes to early drawings where I would copy PS1 video game covers.
In a moment of discovery regarding my next steps, I stumbled upon digital courses for a software called ZBrush. While working on a construction site, I dedicated my evenings to mastering this innovative tool, quickly becoming a new obsession.
This newfound passion led me to pursue a degree in Digital Animation at Bournemouth University, where I developed a diverse skill set. Although the curriculum provided limited emphasis on sculpting, I eagerly supplemented my education with online courses from platforms like Gnomon.
As I continued to grow, it became clear that my career was naturally leading me toward the film industry. I was thrilled to secure a position working on exciting projects, including the live-action adaptation of The Jungle Book. While these projects were immensely rewarding, I felt inspired to seek greater creative freedom and the opportunity to select and develop my own projects.
Motivated by the success stories of others on platforms like Kickstarter, I decided to embark on my own venture. My first Kickstarter campaign exceeded my expectations, opening doors for my future endeavors. Over the past decade, I have been built a business around character design, miniatures and creativity. It has bee a journey that continues to inspire and fulfill me.